Cena in Bianco, Our Folino Family Club Dinner in White
Cena in Bianco
Cena in Bianco (which means Dinner in White in Italian) is a trend that started in northern Italy in a small town called Torino, which happens to be where Marco’s parents and older brothers were born and where they lived before they came to America. How lovely it is that even if you’re a stranger you can share that sense of community for the evening, bonded by fun outfits, good food, and good wine. By happenstance, this is exactly what our Folino Family Club aims to do, so we thought it the perfect context to host this as the theme for dinner. We are filled with gratitude for the many friends we have made through wine club over the years, and we are always meeting new faces, too.
Thank you so much for attending our Cena in Bianco dinner last evening. It was beautiful to see the event come together with everyone wearing white and celebrating what our Folino Family Club is all about; togetherness, sharing a meal among strangers and friends as a united family, embracing what is at the core of the Italian culture. We look forward to these dinners each quarter and we leave them with an almost refreshed sense of why we do what we do. You all share the kindest sentiments that truly fuels us during the tough times of operating the business and keeps us moving forward. To know we have your support means everything to us. Thank you for being such a valued member of our Folino Estate family. Looking forward to seeing you at our next dinner!
Every quarter Marco and I host a family dinner for our Family Club members and I would love to see you at the next one! Click the button below to get more information on joining.